"What the Helsinki ?!"So, for our 2nd long weekend we headed up north to the land of the Fins. Let me tell you that
Finland was unreal. The second we crossed the border from Russia to Finland I could all of a sudden feel my life getting one million times better. Everything is clean and beautiful and all the people are wonderful AND THEY ALL SPEAK ENGLISH. We hitched a ride to Finland with a couple from our ward, Brian and Christine. From the previous experieces with brian, we already knew he could talk you to death, but we knew nothing of his wife. Basically she turned out to be the craziest/funniest person on this earth and I'm glad we invited ourselves in their car because now we have our adoptive mother who buys us too much finnish candy and just about anything else we want. I'm so glad we are not fat Americans. On the way to Helsinki we stopped in a small town named...well I forgot the name...something like rampinlaantii or tarinlaaanitteee. We stepped out of the car and made eye contact with the H & M and the rest is history. The soul purpose of going to Finland was to attend the Helsinki temple dedication...And we did. They had a fireside slash "cultural event" on saturday full of crazy european dancers doing their thang. I had a slight distraction whilst at this "cultural event" so I probably
coudln't focus on what the crap these dancers where trying to show but that is not their faults. SO much anxiety slash apostisizing. I heart life. SO after that little event we went down to the beautiful city center in Helsinki and checked out all the awesomeness that is Helsinki. It was amazing...we didn't feel like our lives were in jepardy even once...and it was like 11:00 pm. No strange plastered men even approached us at all. Like we didn't even SEE one. Heaven in real and it is in Finland.
The next day we got up so incredibly early and went to the temple. We got to see the prophet cement the corner stone in and it was way cool. We then got to go inside and see the temple get dedicated...in russian. Mission accomplished (No pun intended). I have to say that it was a very successful weekend. Not only did we get to experience like 309.78 awesome things, but we got to hang out in a place that is dangerously similar to America. They even have Dr. Pepper and I think I overdosed. So anyways, we loved Finland and we can't wait to go back for our long vacation in a week!!!!!!!!