Hi, it's me, Amy!
I use big words all of a sudden, like anthropology! Or clandestine!
I want to talk about life. Specifically, my life, because I'm mostly interested in me.
I think Alaska is the most beautiful place in the whooooooooole world, and if I ever meet an Eskimo or a lumberjack or a guy named Steve who

So anyway, I have this wild hot crush on Cavan, but that's not saying much, because everybody in the who' worl' think he's the slice o' cheese on mah Big Mac!
Big Macs, though, are pretty hard to find here in Russia. Why? I dunno, maybe Russians can't eat meat. Once I heard of a plant that eats meat, so if plants can do it, why can't Russians? I mean, how hard is it to just put it in your mouth, chew and swallow?
Anyway, I hear some people banging on the door, I'm gonna go open it without checking who they are first.
Bai baby!
Здравствуйте! Я люблю Аляску! So much speaking russian. Just so you know I totally wrote that whole last section if you had ANY question. So, I've officially sucked at updating my blog lately and I've decided to repent of that sin so hopefully I have one or two peeps who will actually read and appriciate this dang blog. So Russia....so much fun! We've been doing all sorts of Russian things like eating borsch, swearing, smoking, and wearing a ridiculous about of dead animal skins when we get cold. Poor animals. Just to let you all know more in depth about my teaching: Monday through Thursday I teach my little babies either in the morning (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) or in the evening (Tuesday and Thursday). Then, on Wednesday evening I teach the Level one group in the elementary form. Unfortunately they are a little crazy and to top it all off Sasha, the cutest little boy EVER never even comes to my class. I have to sneak in the monday class taught by Amanda to even see my little Sasha love. He gave me a popsicle puppet slash token of his love for me. He is adorable. I take him to America with me. Along with Svieta. She is one of our coordinators that takes us all around St. Pete and cooks us yummy Russian gourmets. She officially has captured the heart of every ILP teacher here.
Oh Oh! Guess where I will be going in November? Freakin the Fjords in Freaking Norway. So much can't wait. So Saturday we took an outting with Svieta to Peterhof which is the upgraded version of Versaille. OH THE GOLD FOUNTAINS! OH THE TJ MCCLOUD! ALL THE MELTING! CAVANS HEART IS IN A PUDDLE ON THE GROUND. Also, we have put into

"Stick it to the man"
My weekly form of "sticking it to the man" is not going to Moscow! All the loser teachers have decided to take the longest train ride ever 9 hours south to smelly Moscow. Note to Whom it may concern: DON'T ATTEND MOSCOW.
I will be soaking up my awesomeness in st. pete all by myself. I will be buying a huge winter coat and other things to keep me warm during the freaking freezing winter of the far north! So much no "ice cream melting".

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