"There's guards at the on-ramps, armed to the teeth. And you may case the grounds from the cascades to puget sound, but you are not permitted to leave"
So this first picture is us in front of the Warwick castle. I have to hurry and make fun of megan and I because this is us sincerely trying to have a normal smile. it's been a while since we've posed for a "normal" picture. The girls we are with are old experts though so they make up for our lack of glamour. Hey, is that baby and bean? Hi Baby! This castle was really fun because they had fake people posed all over the castle. We had a lot of fun with those darn wax people!
Even though these people seem very realistic.. they are actually wax. They are our new boyfriends and they were fighting for our love. Sorry to say but mine pumbeled his A.
We didn't fit in from the beginning, cuz they all had glasses on... We never had a chance
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